Addiction Rehab

What is Step 12 of the 12 Steps Program?

Step 12 of the 12 Steps: Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. On the path to Step 12 of the 12 Steps, most recovering substance abusers go through a “missionary phase” of…

A Calendar of Life Hacks for Addiction Recovery

Happy New Year, everyone! Hopefully, you’ve made resolutions to keep every day of 2016 fulfilling and purposeful. Here’s our calendar of life hacks, one for every month of the year. January While your New Year’s resolutions are still new, mark off specific time on your calendar—every day or week—for working on each of your top…

a former addict finding a job after recovery

Tips for Finding a Job After Recovery From an Addiction

Finding a job after recovery is something that plays a significant role. Reducing the likeliness of relapse after leaving rehab. For many individuals, entering rehab for several months at a time will require them to put their careers on hold. Others choose to have a fresh start by making a career change. Whatever the reason,…

a woman struggling to get out of bed while dealing with dual diagnosis

Expert Tips for Coping with a Dual Diagnosis & Addiction

You, or a family member, may be among the millions of people with “dual diagnosis”—simultaneous substance-abuse problems and mental illness. People with post-traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, or other mental health disorders are particularly vulnerable to falling into addiction via the attempted-self-medication route. What do treatment professionals and mental-health experts say that can…

best houston heroin rehab clinic

Get Clean with Heroin Rehab in Houston

Heroin addiction is a serious problem in America. The number of heroin-related deaths has quadrupled since 2010, and it’s important that people suffering from addiction get help as soon as possible. Heroin rehab in South Houston can be an option for those looking to get clean and sober.  The whole story of the opioid epidemic…

trauma and gambling addiction

Trauma and Gambling Addiction

This presentation is on trauma and problematic gambling presented by Joanne Ketch, LPC, LMFAO, DC and SAP. Joanne Ketch is an LPC, LMS, LCD and a SAP, or Rdsap. Jane is a multi credentialed clinician serving professionals, medical staff, first responders and military, and Katy, Texas. This is an encore career for Joanne, and since…

pensive man leaning head against hand against window needs anxiety treatment

Anxiety Induced Drug Use During Covid-19

Anxiety Treatment During COVID-19 During coronavirus quarantine, many employers are either having employees work remotely or stay home until restrictions are lifted. This can make it difficult to continue enjoying hobbies and spending time with friends, especially if your social life involves going out. Staying at home for prolonged periods can also cause symptoms of…

What is Step 10 of the 12 Step Program?

Step 10 of the 12 Steps: We continued to take personal inventory, and, when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. Like it or not, recovery from addiction isn’t something you can do once and cross off your bucket list. We all get hungry again after eating, tired again after sleeping, dirty again after showering, flabby…

doctors looking at a pill bottle, science behind addiction

The Science Behind Addiction

The Science Behind Addiction The science behind addiction involves a condition where something that was once pleasurable becomes indispensable to your daily life. Drug addiction is an overwhelming desire, uncontrollable use, and then compulsive use. Addiction also includes continuing to use a drug despite any repeated or harmful consequences. People use drugs for many reasons….

How to Get Joint Pain Relief Without Drugs

Are you looking for joint pain relief? You probably already talked to your doctor about it. There’s a good chance that this healthcare provider was quick to prescribe pain pills. What if there was a pain relief that didn’t involve addictive drugs? Looking for Joint Pain Relief in the Wrong Places Joint pain is typically…

a picture of pill containers showing the most abused prescription drugs

What are the Most Abused Prescription Drugs?

In recent years, the nation has seen an explosion in prescription medication abuse. Many experts now consider this to be one of the worst drug epidemics the country has ever experienced. In fact, this is something that should trouble us all. At this time, it’s safe to say that the most abused prescription drugs are…

therapy circle with people putting arms around each others shoulders, healthcare professional addiction treatment center kemah tx

A Healthcare Professional Addiction Treatment Center in Kemah, TX

Benefits of a Healthcare Professional Addiction Treatment Center in Kemah, TX Addiction affects every aspect of your life, including your mental state and your physical health. When you’re ready to seek help, make sure that your treatment center addresses both your body and your mind. You need the expertise of a healthcare professional addiction treatment…