Addiction Rehab

What is Step 6 of the 12 Steps Program?

Step Six of the 12 Steps: We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. “All these defects of character” refers to, of course, all the “wrongs” that came out privately in Step Four and were confessed in Step Five of the 12 Steps. In the relief of getting things out in…

doctors looking at a pill bottle, science behind addiction

The Science Behind Addiction

The Science Behind Addiction The science behind addiction involves a condition where something that was once pleasurable becomes indispensable to your daily life. Drug addiction is an overwhelming desire, uncontrollable use, and then compulsive use. Addiction also includes continuing to use a drug despite any repeated or harmful consequences. People use drugs for many reasons….

Recognizing the Symptoms of Alcoholism

Don’t underestimate the danger of alcohol. Although it’s a legal drug and ridiculously easy to buy, it carries a high addiction potential. Are you currently struggling with the symptoms of alcoholism? Here’s how you can find out. Don’t Let Definitions Trick You into a False Sense of Security When talking about the symptoms of alcoholism,…

trauma and gambling addiction

Trauma and Gambling Addiction

This presentation is on trauma and problematic gambling presented by Joanne Ketch, LPC, LMFAO, DC and SAP. Joanne Ketch is an LPC, LMS, LCD and a SAP, or Rdsap. Jane is a multi credentialed clinician serving professionals, medical staff, first responders and military, and Katy, Texas. This is an encore career for Joanne, and since…

a support groups discussing rehab experiences

Are Support Groups Really Important for Addiction Recovery?

Addiction is an isolating disease. It causes people to withdraw from others. In contrast, recovery is a group effort. Support groups are an integral part of an effective aftercare program. During addiction treatment, it can be helpful to hear about the stories of others. Knowing you are not alone can make going through recovery a…

a man talking to his doctor about dual diagnosis treatment centers in Texas

Excellent Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Texas

Far too often, addiction problems become intertwined with psychological issues. This poses some unique challenges for the addict who decides to reach out for help. It also creates problems for the people who stand ready to offer that help. We direct your focus towards dual diagnosis treatment centers in Texas and the process of treating…

a woman eating a candy cane learning how to stay sober over the christmas holiday

Stay Sober Over the Christmas Holiday With Our Help

It can be difficult to stay sober over the Christmas holiday. Christmas is a time to get together with friends and family. You may feel the temptation to drink. The holidays can bring on rough emotions, guilt and shame. You don’t have to feel this way, and you don’t have to drink. You can avoid…

group therapy in detox centers in houston

Deciding Between Detox Centers in Houston

Detoxification is the beginning of your journey toward long-lasting recovery. It’s not easy. However, with the help of one of the detox centers in South Houston, it’s possible to do so safely and comfortably. How do you pick the right facility? Understanding the Mechanism of Chemical Dependency Recovery from addiction happens in two stages. Firstly,…

Psychoeducational Groups for Addiction

When someone is dealing with an addiction, it’s difficult for them to step outside themselves to see what’s happening. It’s not uncommon for addicts to just not understand they have an addiction and why it happened. This would certainly account for why some people are reluctant to seek treatment. For the one’s tentatively willing to…