Texas Addiction Treatment Articles

woman holding bridge of her nose wondering what is psychological dependence

Physical and Psychological Dependence of Addiction

One of the most difficult parts of beating an addiction to drugs or alcohol is dealing with the dependence you’ve developed. As your body and brain become more dependent on a substance, trying to quit can bring on various symptoms of withdrawal. Many people want to quit and have tried to, but the symptoms of…

pensive young woman looking out a window thinking about how to recognize unhealthy coping skills

Unhealthy Coping Skills & Addiction

Unhealthy coping skills impact peoples’ lives more than they know. They impact how people talk, work, and interact with others. These poor coping skills can cause people to seek the use of drugs or alcohol in order to escape. Developing healthy coping skills allows people to find peace and experience a healthy life. Learn how…

Woman against wall in dark coping with dual diagnosis

Coping with a Dual Diagnosis

You, or a family member, may be among the millions of people with “dual diagnosis”—simultaneous substance-abuse problems and mental illness. People with post-traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, or schizophrenia are particularly vulnerable to falling into addiction via the attempted-self-medication route. What do treatment professionals and mental-health experts say that can help dual-diagnosis patients…

a group therapy session discussing their experiences at rehab center in Texas

Find the Right Rehab Center in Texas

How do you differentiate an excellent rehab center in Texas from its competitors? When you are struggling with a drug or alcohol problem, you need the best care for your condition. But what does this look like? It is crucial to find a recovery center that will help you get the most effective treatment for…

How to Treat Anxiety Chest Pain Related to Addiction

Do you suffer anxiety chest pain? Is your anxiety so far out of control that you self-medicate or live in addiction? Anxiety commonly accompanies addiction or even prompts substance abuse to start. Regardless of the type of pain or mental conditions you suffer along with substance abuse, you can unlock doors to a better, pain-free…

What is Step 3 of the 12 Steps Program?

Step Three of the 12 Steps: We made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God, as we understood him. Step Three of the 12 Steps is the natural follow-up to Steps One and Two. First, we admit that we’ve lost control (Step 1). Then we acknowledge belief in…

What is Step 7 of the 12 Steps Program?

Step Seven of the 12 Steps: We humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings. The key word in Step Seven of the 12 Steps is “humbly”–no blame-shifting, no excuses, no attempts to dictate what else has to change before you can. No matter what your parents did or didn’t do, no matter what pressures you faced…

a woman trying to figure out how to paying for rehab

Options for Paying For Rehab

One of the most significant problems in the world of addiction treatment is getting people to begin a rehab program. Each year, countless people don’t get the help they need. All too often, this happens because prospective clients and their families are worried about the expense. Paying for rehab can seem complicated, but there are…

a man drinking water thinking about the stages of addiction

What Are the Stages of Addiction

Substance addiction does not happen overnight. There are stages of addiction that occur over time, from casual to recreational use and, finally, dependency. During this time, the addicted person may change behavior and become less responsible. His or her habits may lead to problems in their relationships, workplace, and finances. At worst, substance abuse leads…

man and therapist discussing trauma therapy program Texas as part of trauma informed therapy

What to Look for in a Trauma Therapy Program in Texas

Overcoming trauma is difficult, but there are ways to make the healing process easier. If you approach it with the right mindset and equip yourself with the proper resources, then you greatly increase your chances of success. However, in order to do that, you should find a treatment facility that offers trauma-informed therapy and trauma-focused…

Civil Disagreement Tips for Addiction Treatment

Anyone coming out of substance abuse has extensive experience with disagreement. You disagreed with friends who told you you were overdoing it. You disagreed with authorities who said recreational drugs were bad for everyone. You disagreed with your own conscience when you “borrowed” to finance your habit. You disagreed with your better judgment and insisted…

bereft man in hoodie exhibiting signs of addiction

Signs of Addiction You Need to Look Out For

Often, one of the hardest parts of getting help for addiction is simply realizing that there is a problem in the first place. Some users may be so secretive that their friends and family are not even aware of drug abuse. It is also possible for a person dealing with symptoms of addiction to lie…