Texas Addiction Treatment Articles

woman ponders psychological dependence to drugs and alcohol during addiction treatment

Understanding Psychological Dependence & Addiction

Substance abuse and drug addiction result in both physical and psychological dependency. While it is well known that substances like heroin and alcohol are physically addictive, they can also be psychologically addictive. Psychological dependence can involve drugs, alcohol, behavior, or a combination of the three. Addiction is complex, causing significant changes to your brain chemistry,…

What is Step 5 of the 12 Steps Program?

Step Five of the 12 Steps: We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. Some religious traditions still practice formal “confession,” where a parishioner unburdens his or her conscience before a spiritual director who then assures the person of God’s forgiveness and recommends action to make up…

a group with beers wondering how quickly does addiction happen

How Quickly Does Addiction Happen and How Can I Treat It?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for “How quickly does addiction happen?” Whenever it comes to an addiction timeline, there are dozens of factors out there that can end up causing a person to become addicted to something. Fortunately, researchers have come across dozens of pieces of information that can help you identify the problems that…

pensive young woman looking out a window thinking about how to recognize unhealthy coping skills

Unhealthy Coping Skills & Addiction

Unhealthy coping skills impact peoples’ lives more than they know. They impact how people talk, work, and interact with others. These poor coping skills can cause people to seek the use of drugs or alcohol in order to escape. Developing healthy coping skills allows people to find peace and experience a healthy life. Learn how…

Psychoeducational Groups for Addiction

When someone is dealing with an addiction, it’s difficult for them to step outside themselves to see what’s happening. It’s not uncommon for addicts to just not understand they have an addiction and why it happened. This would certainly account for why some people are reluctant to seek treatment. For the one’s tentatively willing to…

man and woman talking about licensed professional rehab center kemah tx

Licensed Professional Rehab Center Kemah TX

Whether it’s illicit drugs, prescription medications or alcohol, substance addiction has become an epidemic in North America. For example, in 2017, “19.7-million Americans ages 12 and up suffered from a substance use disorder.” However, there is hope with a licensed professional rehab center in Kemah, TX, that uses proven treatments for addiction recovery. At Kemah…

What is Step 2 of the 12 Steps Program?

Continuing our series on the 12 Steps. with Step Two of the 12 Steps Step Two of the 12 Steps: We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Although Alcoholics Anonymous first popularized the term “Higher Power” in the 1930s, few people then could have foreseen the exponential multiplication…

woman kicking back relaxing because she knows how to accept yourself

Accepting Yourself is the First Step of Addiction Treatment

Most substance abuse begins with a desire to escape pain. That pain can be physical; situational (due to an undesirable living situation, an unpleasant life transition, or excessive everyday stress); mental, or emotional. With emotional pain, the most common underlying issues are loss; rejection and loneliness; guilt; a sense of failure; and low self-esteem, which…

What is Step 8 of the 12 Steps Program?

Step Eight of the 12 Steps: We made a list of all persons we had wronged, and became willing to make amends to them all. Step Eight of the 12 Steps is the first major move toward returning to the “real world” with changed behavior to match your changed attitude. In a way, this step is counterintuitive. If the…

woman suffering from addiction and anxiety

You Can Recover from Addiction and Anxiety

Addiction and anxiety commonly go hand-in-hand. Many people suffer the chronic problems of anxiety, the crippling fear that limits your life and holds you hostage to specific places, things or moments in time. Turning to drugs or alcohol possibly helped you feel better early in your substance abuse. But now you need real help to…

a person hiking while thinking about setting goals

Setting Goals in Addiction Recovery

Once you’re detoxed, self-evaluated, and feeling hopeful for a substance-free future, it’s time to clarify your vision for that future. Few things are as universally advocated as setting goals during substance abuse treatment. Yet, even the healthiest people struggle to define what those concepts mean for them. As the saying goes, “If it were easy,…

a support groups discussing rehab experiences

Are Support Groups Really Important for Addiction Recovery?

Addiction is an isolating disease. It causes people to withdraw from others. In contrast, recovery is a group effort. Support groups are an integral part of an effective aftercare program. During addiction treatment, it can be helpful to hear about the stories of others. Knowing you are not alone can make going through recovery a…