Treatment Modalities

man and woman talking about licensed professional rehab center kemah tx

Licensed Professional Rehab Center Kemah TX

Whether it’s illicit drugs, prescription medications or alcohol, substance addiction has become an epidemic in North America. For example, in 2017, “19.7-million Americans ages 12 and up suffered from a substance use disorder.” However, there is hope with a licensed professional rehab center in Kemah, TX, that uses proven treatments for addiction recovery. At Kemah…

a doctor discussing the best inpatient pain rehabilitation centers in Texas with a patient

Find the Best Inpatient Pain Rehabilitation Centers in Texas

Acute pain is a condition that hurts for a little while and then goes away. Chronic pain is a discomfort that persists. Common complaints include low back pain, arthritis, and nerve pains. If that’s what you’re dealing with, isn’t it time to find the best inpatient pain rehabilitation centers in Texas? At Kemah Palms, we…

a woman concerned about her loved one's behavioral addictions

Understanding Behavioral Addictions

One can have many kinds of addictions, not just addiction to drugs or substances. Behavioral addictions can be equally debilitating, and they can affect the quality of life of the addict. In theory, people can get addicted to many seemingly healthy habits to the point where they affect their productivity or daily life activities. They…

group addiction therapy discuss polysubstance abuse and treatment

What is Polysubstance Abuse?

Polysubstance abuse is the abuse of multiple drugs simultaneously. This can be the abuse of legal over the counter products, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, or any combination of the three. People can be doing this without being aware. For example, if you are on Xanax and you drink wine every night you are a polysubstance…

pensive man next to a window wondering what makes drugs addictive and are all drugs addictive

What Makes Drugs Addictive?

Drug addiction is a serious concern in the world today with millions of people suffering from this troubling condition. Whether minor or severe, addiction can be very damaging to anyone’s life — even the family members of those who are suffering. If you or somebody you know is suffering from addiction, then you should contact…

a young man talking to his doctor about coping skills

How to Develop Coping Skills for Addiction Recovery

After doing the hard work in rehab, the last thing a recovering addict wants is to relapse. Any relapse delays the ability to get on with living a useful life. During addiction treatment, patients get the chance to learn about their addiction. That includes learning about their triggers and weaknesses. They also get the opportunity…

doctor answering man's question about what is neurofeedback therapy

How is Neurofeedback Therapy Used in Addiction Treatment?

If you haven’t heard of it before, you may be wondering, “What is neurofeedback therapy?” Neurofeedback, which is also known as EEG (electroencephalogram) biofeedback, is a form of therapy that assesses brainwave activity in a patient. The computer-based neurofeedback therapy program then works to reorganize and retrain brain signals. This happens through the use of…

Recognize Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

The decision to stop using heroin is not an easy one to make. To begin with, heroin and other opioids create a most devious addiction. The fact an addiction can appear within a couple weeks of taking the first dose is a testament to just how insidious this drug is. As someone contemplates climbing out…

a woman struggling to get out of bed while dealing with dual diagnosis

Expert Tips for Coping with a Dual Diagnosis & Addiction

You, or a family member, may be among the millions of people with “dual diagnosis”—simultaneous substance-abuse problems and mental illness. People with post-traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, or other mental health disorders are particularly vulnerable to falling into addiction via the attempted-self-medication route. What do treatment professionals and mental-health experts say that can…

Success Stories from Kemah Palms: Triumphs Over Addiction

Addiction is a universal challenge that touches the lives of countless individuals across the globe. Its complexity can be bewildering, often leaving those affected searching for answers and solutions. To navigate this intricate issue, it’s crucial to delve into the very heart of addiction, comprehending its definition, and unraveling the profound impact it has on…

a picture of pill containers showing the most abused prescription drugs

What are the Most Abused Prescription Drugs?

In recent years, the nation has seen an explosion in prescription medication abuse. Many experts now consider this to be one of the worst drug epidemics the country has ever experienced. In fact, this is something that should trouble us all. At this time, it’s safe to say that the most abused prescription drugs are…

a doctor talking to an upset patient about Galveston drug rehab

How to Find a Galveston Drug Rehab

Once you have come to terms with your addiction, it is time to get the help that you need. It can be hard to know what to look for in a rehab facility.  What should you look for in a Galveston drug rehab facility? When you look past the polished cabinets and beautiful surroundings, do…