Addiction is far more than just a physical disease. It is also behavioral, emotional and psychological. Addiction also has ties to mental health. There are many evidence-based approaches to recovery, and one of the most effective is CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy.
Contact us today to get started.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy where both the resident and the therapist work together to identify and resolve the problem in the present. It is particularly helpful for those individuals who struggle with both mental health issues and substance abuse disorders. For that reason, CBT is often a vital part of a dual diagnosis treatment program.
Cognitive behavioral therapy works best when conducted in a one-on-one setting. This therapy is goal oriented, and residents can set goals for the immediate future. The objective of CBT is for residents to veer away from a negative way of thinking. A negative mindset can sabotage recovery and make relapse more likely, so tackling this issue is a significant part of an effective treatment plan.
Many individuals diagnosed with substance abuse disorders have some form of self-destructive behavior. Although their words may say that they want to live a life of sobriety, their actions speak otherwise. This can stem from a lack of confidence or feelings of low self-worth.
Self-destructive behavior is identified with cognitive behavioral therapy. Once these actions are clear, residents have to acknowledge that they are sabotaging their recovery. This can be a big step in the right direction. After identification, it will be much harder to knowingly take self-destructive actions in the future.
A great phrase that sums up the issue of black-or-white thinking in recovery is this–don’t let perfect become the enemy of good. Too many residents feel that unless they can achieve perfection, their efforts are wasted. That could not be further from the truth.
During CBT, the therapist will address black-or-white thinking. Residents will see that there is a lot of gray area in the middle of those two extremes. This can help them achieve progress rather than perfection in all areas of their lives.
Triggers can be major or minor events that initiate strong negative emotions or feelings in an individual. When these triggers pop up, they can cause fear, loneliness, stress or anything else that makes relapse more likely. It’s a short step to a drink or a drug when these triggers crop up.
In CBT, the patient and counselor identify triggers and try to find solutions for each of them. If a trigger causes stress and makes a person feel overwhelmed, they will know how to quickly and safely relieve that stress.
At Kemah Palms in Kemah, Texas, residents can expect a high-end experience complete with a truly exceptional treatment plan. CBT is just one part of our comprehensive addiction therapy services. Overcoming substance abuse can be challenging, but the right approach to recovery can make a big difference for residents. In addition to CBT, some of these strategies include:
Cognitive behavioral therapy aids in recovery from addiction, and also address underlying mental health issues. At Kemah Palms, CBT is just one part of an effective plan for treatment. Call 713-568-1210 to learn more about the road to recovery.