The Role of Structured Daily Schedules in Sobriety Maintenance
Sobriety is not just about abstaining from alcohol
Sobriety is not just about abstaining from alcohol
Addiction is not an individual battle; it is
The Houston HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area)
Combining medications with alcohol can be risky, and
Oxycodone, a powerful prescription opioid, is commonly prescribed
Why Does The Nose Turn Red After Drinking
Deciding to stop using addictive painkillers like codeine,
In recent years, there has been a notable
Addiction, long shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding, remains
In the hustle and bustle of our modern
Innovations in Addiction Treatment is all about shaking
Navigating the financial landscape can be a challenging
Journaling is more than just putting pen to
If you’ve been struggling with addiction for years
The first step to overcoming addiction is finding
Depression is a mental health condition that affects
Substance addiction does not happen overnight. There are
In the journey of addiction recovery, exploring alternative
The National Recovery Month is celebrated in September
After doing the hard work in rehab, the
When it comes to treating substance addiction, there
There were over 250 million prescriptions were written
In recent years, the integration of fitness and
Eating Well to Recover Well: The Role of
Addiction is a universal challenge that touches the
Recovery from addiction is a journey that’s deeply
Life can be complicated, and so can the
Navigating the stormy seas of addiction can feel
Using Motivational Intervention in Addiction Treatment This week’s
Substance Abuse & Addiction During the Covid Pandemic
One of the most important things in life
Heroin addiction is a serious problem in America.
Today we’ll explore things that commonly function as
Depression Treatment and Recovery During a Pandemic Each
Anxiety Treatment During COVID-19 During coronavirus quarantine, many
Each year, tens of thousands of people die
Most people struggling with an addiction to drugs
One of the most difficult parts of beating
Substance abuse is a serious problem affecting millions
Unhealthy coping skills impact peoples’ lives more than
If you are considering treatment for yourself or
Life has a tendency to throw curveballs at
Alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes
When looking into addiction treatment, there are a
Today, we’ll explore stress management techniques to overcome
You, or a family member, may be among
What Are The 12 Steps? Since Alcoholics Anonymous
There’s nothing worse than having friends or family
Although prescription medication abuse is now a topic
“Mindfulness creates space around our pain” (Kemah Palms
Most substance abuse begins with a desire to
Among our primary values at Kemah Palms Recovery®
Overcoming trauma is difficult, but there are ways
Benefits of a Healthcare Professional Addiction Treatment Center
Any teen can be at risk of developing
Whether it’s illicit drugs, prescription medications or alcohol,
What Is a Faith-Based Addiction Treatment Center? While
The benzo withdrawal symptoms timeline can take a
St. Patrick’s Day was originally a religious holiday,
If you haven’t heard of it before, you
How To Talk To Family About Addiction Treatment
Has someone told you that you’re codependent, or
Almost everyone has heard that meditation can help
Finding a job after recovery is something that
There is no one-size-fits-all remedy for treating substance
There is no one-size-fits-all answer for “How quickly
Some of the more obvious risk factors for
You can treat opioid addiction with suboxone. Treatment
It can be difficult to stay sober over
Rehab is a great tool for people determined
Addiction is more prevalent than ever. There are
Navigating a divorce is a life-changing experience that
Several group therapy programs can help you process
Substance addiction is a complex problem. There is
Far too often, addiction problems become intertwined with
Acute pain is a condition that hurts for
Addiction specialists recognize that about half of addiction
Addiction is an isolating disease. It causes people
It takes more than looking through internet search
The body has interdependent parts that affect each
Suffering addiction is just that, suffering. This disease
When you started taking painkillers, you did not
Would it surprise you to know the possibility
People often wonder what is a panic attack
Benzodiazepines are prescription medications used to treat conditions
Substance abuse and drug addiction result in both
Approximately 5.1 million young adults age 18-25 struggles
Detoxification is the beginning of your journey toward
Addiction and anxiety commonly go hand-in-hand. Many people
Many people face one big question when deciding
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. What’s
Do you suffer anxiety chest pain? Is your
The annual holiday season brings stress to many
An alcohol use disorder doesn’t develop overnight. But
Mental health challenges can make an addiction problem
Heroin is a very dangerous and addictive painkiller.
Seeking treatment for an addiction is a very
Don’t underestimate the danger of alcohol. Although it’s
Anyone coming out of substance abuse has extensive
The quote “With great power must come great
Strictly speaking, stress “drives” no one to drink—the
As Memorial Day weekend begins, let’s all who
As noted last week’s blog on mental illness
Once you’re detoxed, self-evaluated, and feeling hopeful for
Following up last week’s post on The 12
If nicotine is among your old chemical indulgences,
Last week, we discussed overconfidence and entitlement as
Kemah Palms is prominently featured in article of
Happy New Year, everyone! Hopefully, you’ve made resolutions