Texas Chronic Pain Management Articles

Have you been wondering: Does yoga help with chronic pain? You might think that coping without your painkiller addictions could leave you with uncontrollable levels of pain. Fortunately, Kemah Palms Recovery® works to teach you effective techniques, coping skills and exercises to help you manage and relieve your pain. One way to do this is through the use of yoga therapy.

How Does Yoga Help With Chronic Pain?

Yoga is an ancient mind-body practice that integrates meditation and breath control with stretches and muscle strengthening exercises. What sets yoga apart from other exercises and makes it an important part of any recovery process is its emphasis on mental agility.

Yoga is helpful for people suffering from arthritis, migraines, back pain, fibromyalgia, and many other chronic pain conditions. Yoga increases mobility and compares to standard exercise therapy when it comes to relieving chronic low back pain. Along with aiding in the relief of chronic pain, yoga also boosts overall mood and psychosocial health.

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Recovering from chronic pain and addiction on your own can be a difficult process. Having a proper rehab facility by your side along the way can make all the difference in your lasting recovery. Not only can Kemah Palms Recovery® offer you a community of support during your journey, but the facility can also ease your initial withdrawal process tremendously. Prolonged substance abuse often results in significant withdrawal symptoms, including:

  • Fevers and cold chills
  • Headaches
    Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
  • Tremors and shaking
  • Intense substance cravings
  • Severe anxiety
  • Depression

Yoga Therapy at Our Texas Facility

One of the outlets for treatment in our chronic pain recovery program at Kemah Palms Recovery® is yoga. Your mind and body have built-in healing responses that meditation, yoga, relaxation, and breathing techniques tap into. These practices strengthen the flow of positive energy within your body. Restorative yoga engages the mind while providing rest for the body. Each pose incorporates breathing elements that integrate healing thoughts, sensations, and emotions. This allows you to let go of any tension and stress you may be holding onto. You will begin to explore your body through yoga, discovering different routines and poses that work best for your individual pain, allowing you to heal and get the most out of each session.

Through an effective program of yoga therapy, you will learn to direct your breathing to your pain areas. This will allow you to practice a healthy version of distraction by intentionally shifting your focus while maintaining presence within your body.

Advanced Pain Management Program

At Kemah Palms Recovery®, we pride our success on our holistic approach to managing your chronic pain and recovering from your addiction. After enrolling in our treatment program, we will begin uncovering the causes of your chronic pain and generating a specialized approach to your recovery. We suit you with effective ways to sustain your sobriety and relieve your constant pain through yoga therapy in Kemah, TX.

The types of rehabilitation programs offered at our Kemah Palms Recovery® facility include:

Available Services at Our Addiction Treatment Center in Kemah, TX

By turning off the body’s stress responses and directing the body toward growth and repair, relaxation has been specifically proven to help heal chronic pain. At Kemah Palms Recovery®, we take a holistic approach to your recovery by creating a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs in order to generate the most successful plan possible for you. Once you enroll in our treatment plan, you will undergo one-on-one therapy sessions to track your progress and adjust your treatment plan along the way.

Taking the first steps to realize your problems with chronic pain and seek help can be a difficult process. Long-term pain and substance addiction do not have to control your life. Make the decision to take back control of your life today by calling one of our professionals from Kemah Palms Recovery® today today.

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