Texas Addiction Treatment Articles

The National Recovery Month is celebrated in September each year. This month is a landmark period for stakeholders in the substance abuse and rehabilitation field, as they gather to raise awareness about recovery from substance use and addiction.

During this period, the larger community is invited to learn more about addiction recovery and how best to help loved ones struggling with substance use and addiction. More people seek help for drug addiction or abuse through civic education, extending the cycle of healing in families affected by their actions.

If you’re wondering how to get involved with National Recovery month and support the cause of rehabilitation and detoxification centers, Kemah Palms can help. Contact our team today today to learn more.

Plan an NRM Event

NRM is best observed by bringing together the different stakeholders interested in the prevention and treatment of substance and behavioral addictions. One popular activity/event is to host a recovery walk or run, but you can plan other events.

The NRM event page has many resources you can use to plan events, post your events (free advertising), or find events near you. Reach out to organizers for ideas and tips if you want to replicate their events in your area.

Bring together people in recovery and their families, organizations, political and civic leaders, and other stakeholders to support the cause. You can offer your event proceeds to non-profit organizations that support addiction recovery in low-income individuals or families. It’s a great way to pay forward, particularly if an addiction recovery center intervention has improved your life.

Share Your Recovery Story

If you or your loved one is in recovery after addiction, you can share your story during National Recovery Month. You can use any forum, such as:

  • Local or national recovery month events
  • Your blog or vlog
  • Your social media pages
  • Appearances in traditional media (TV, radio)
  • Letter to the editor in local newspapers or magazines

Spreading information with real-life stories of addiction recovery helps destigmatize seeking help when facing substance or behavioral addictions. Many people want to get addiction treatment but are afraid because of misinformation and stigma around such programs.

Also, some don’t want to emerge from the shadows, afraid of losing their reputations. Instead, they continue to suffer under the weight of a destructive habit until something drastic happens. Sharing and getting others to share, especially those with some influence, goes a long way to destigmatize seeking help for addiction.

Write to Your Leaders for Change

You can write to the local government officials and state leadership to urge them to improve policies surrounding addiction recovery programs. Your local leaders can sign proclamations to express support for the National Recovery Month.
Get your friends to participate, and urge the leaders to express their commitment to increasing awareness about substance use and abuse.

Securing a mayoral or gubernatorial proclamation will bring your cause regarding substance abuse and mental health to the policymakers. Getting local government officials involved in whichever activity you plan is a great way to increase the reach of your effort.

Find examples of proclamations that local and state officials can execute as an excellent way to kick off recovery month observance in your community, city, or state. Once they sign it, you can post your mayoral or gubernatorial proclamation to the Recovery Month Website.

Celebrate National Recovery Month with Kemah Palms

National Recovery Month is an essential season in the recovery movement countrywide. It is essential to help end stigma around getting help for addiction. If you or your loved one is battling with an addiction and needs help, don’t hide in the shadows. At Kemah Palms, we offer a range of addiction treatment services, including:

Don’t wait another year to get treatment for your addiction. Contact Kemah Palms today and get help today.

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