Texas Addiction Treatment Articles

Addiction specialists recognize that about half of addiction cases have a genetic or hereditary component. However, the other half has to do with poor coping skills. As a person going through life, you can’t help but deal with stress. If addiction hooked you, mindfulness based stress reduction could be an essential aspect of healing.

How Stress Influences Substance Abuse

Yoga is one therapy used for mindfulness based stress reductionWork’s stressful. You come home and have a drink to relax. It becomes a habit. You gradually increase the amount of alcohol you consume to enhance the relaxation.

A particular project is due and you have to prove yourself. You take stimulant drugs because they help you concentrate and cut down on your need to sleep. Then you keep taking them even after the project is over.

Your family life’s a mess, you’re not going anywhere at work, and you feel depressed. A drug numbs you for a while. It takes the edge off situations. You keep using because you don’t want to deal with things any longer.

How Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Changes Your Coping Patterns

These are just a few examples of what many people go through. Mindfulness meditation therapy is a Buddhist practice. You don’t have to subscribe to this type of spirituality, or any religion, to benefit from it. You start by taking stock of your feelings and thoughts.

Don’t attach any judgment. Just become aware of what you’re thinking and feeling. Next, accept that you have these feelings and thoughts. They are part of you now.

Feelings and thoughts are neither right nor wrong. Instead, they are temporary and will change if you give them enough time. You permit yourself to have these feelings and thoughts. As a result, you can make decisions that you base on your understanding of their impermanence.

Tying in Stress Management with Other Modalities at Rehab

Mindfulness based stress reduction can be a vital part of healing. However, it can’t stand alone. During rehab, you undergo other addiction treatment services that supplement your efforts at developing healthy coping skills. Examples of therapies include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy that encourages the identification and change of dysfunction in your patterns
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), which benefits people with PTSD or traumatic experiences in their backgrounds
  • Group therapy as a means of undergoing peer counseling and addiction education
  • Chronic pain management that specializes in overcoming particular patterns, which previously led to medication abuse
  • Yoga therapy to combine breathing exercises with movement for heightened physiological awareness of yourself

Rehab approaches rely on expert customization. You work with a therapist who ensures that you receive the treatment you need at this time. Your setup may focus quite a bit on stress management if this is a significant need that you experience. The goal is to support your recovery with matching modalities.

Maybe mindfulness based stress reduction would be an excellent fit for your needs at this time. It can easily become a part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Contact the addiction treatment experts at Kemah Palms Recovery® today to schedule an intake interview. Call 855-568-0218 now.

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