Kemah Palms

Detox in Palms

Houston Drug Rehab Center for Men's & Women's

Living with addiction is both trying and difficult. However, the decision to stop using and seek help is not something that addicted people take lightly.

Contact us today to get started.

Man pouring a shot of alcohol while his family is in the background looking very sad

Why a Men’s Drug Rehab Center in South Houston

Living with addiction is both trying and difficult. However, the decision to stop using and seek help is not something that addicted people take lightly.

In fact, the rate of substance abuse among people between 18 and 30 has increased over several decades. However, young adult rehab programs can guide them to recovery. Knowing what to expect in rehab can make the process less intimidating for them.

We collaborate with pain management providers and our staff can show you how to relieve pain in safe ways.

The Benefits of a Men’s Drug Rehab Facility

Unique circumstances sometimes require unique solutions.

That’s exactly what a men’s drug rehab center has to offer-a unique solution. The objective of treatment in a men’s drug rehab center is to promote participation from all patients.

Using experience as a guideline, counselors are aware that some men have difficulty opening up in the company of women. They seem to want to avoid what they would perceive as judgment from females. Some men also prefer to share with other men who are more likely to understand their gender-specific issues. By most accounts, that’s a reasonable position for a male patient to take.

Houston Drug Rehab Center for Women

For decades, the number of women addicts had been significantly lower than the numbers experts reported for men.

Unfortunately, the numbers for women have been on the rise. It’s not difficult to understand the reasons for this change. Our society now expects more from women as child-bearers, employees, bread-winners and single parents. That translates to more responsibility and more stress.

The truth is women have different wiring from men. That’s not a slam but instead, a fact. Many women tend to react to stress with emotion while many men tend to internalize their issues. To squelch the eruption of emotions over personal problems, women sometimes turn to drugs and/or alcohol. Given their physical makeup, women are far more susceptible to addiction, especially at lower doses of drugs or alcohol.

The Benefits of a Women’s Drug Rehab Program

The value of a women’s drug rehab center is undeniable.

  • Group Identification–Women tend to flourish in a group therapy setting if they are comfortable with the environment. In a women’s drug rehab center, women go in knowing they have something in common with other patients. That creates a level of group identification.
  • Sharing Without Judgement–Through a common understanding, women are less likely to judge one another than a man would be with a woman with an addiction. Again, it’s that assumption of the woman being overly emotional and morally-bankrupt that creates an uneasiness that’s some women find unbearable. With everything on equal footing, women are more likely to share among themselves.
  • Removing Sexual Tension and Overtures–Generally, women are more serious about recovery. The last thing a woman wants to deal with is unwanted sexual overtures while they are working towards recovery. A women’s drug rehab center mitigates the possibility of sexual tension and interference.

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For A New Chapter

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