Dangers of Binge Drinking

Texas Alcohol Addiction Articles

Binge drinking is one of the most common patterns of excessive alcohol use. Unlike heavy drinking, which entails consuming a large amount of alcohol regularly over time, binge drinking is consuming high amounts of alcohol within two hours or less. There are many dangers of binge drinking, including the risk of developing alcohol abuse disorder. […]

Alcohol and Your Mental Health

Texas Alcohol Addiction Articles

In the short-term, using alcohol can improve your sense of relaxation and mood and reduce certain kinds of anxiety, like social anxiety. In the long-term, however, the relationship between alcohol and mental health quickly turns negative, being responsible for a range of issues from depression and memory loss to suicide. People who seek help with […]

Step-By-Step Alcohol Detox in Houston

Texas Alcohol Addiction Articles

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, it’s time to take action. Alcohol detox in South Houston may be the answer you need. The first step is finding a qualified and experienced team of medical professionals who can help.  Alcohol detox in South Houston can be a difficult process for anyone. […]

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Texas Alcohol Addiction Articles

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. What’s the connection between the holiday season, impaired driving, and alcohol abuse? Be honest. Have you driven a car when you were impaired? Here’s what you need to know about stopping the behavior. What’s Behind National Impaired Driving Prevention Month? National Impaired Driving Prevention Month 2018 is in […]

Recognizing the Symptoms of Alcoholism

Texas Alcohol Addiction Articles

Don’t underestimate the danger of alcohol. Although it’s a legal drug and ridiculously easy to buy, it carries a high addiction potential. Are you currently struggling with the symptoms of alcoholism? Here’s how you can find out. Don’t Let Definitions Trick You into a False Sense of Security When talking about the symptoms of alcoholism, […]

5 Signs of Alcoholism You Can’t Ignore

Texas Alcohol Addiction Articles

An alcohol use disorder doesn’t develop overnight. But it can take many people by surprise. Would you know the signs of alcoholism? And if you suspect that you manifest them, do you know how to get help? Alcohol Use Disorders Have Stages It’s interesting to note that the term alcoholism isn’t entirely accurate. An alcohol […]